Thursday, January 21, 2010

Very Zen. . .

"Feng Shui is based on the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with Chi, or energy. The ancient Chinese believed that the land's energy could either make or break the kingdom, so to speak. The theories of yin and yang, as well as the five feng shui elements, are some of the basic aspects of a feng shui analysis that come from Taoism."

I'm not a believer in or even very knowledgeable of the ancient art of feng shui but today as I raked the entire arena of sand while Gloria took her 2 hour horse lesson, I felt energized rather than wearied and renewed rather than sapped by the physical labor of raking, raking, raking. . .

I'm just sayin' . . .
("A phrase that is used when someone is offended by something you said. This phrase then removes all the offensiveness of the previous statement, making it all good."

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