Saturday, January 16, 2010

Random 7. . .

This idea of one picture a day is really working for me for the most part. It's much easier to keep up with and I'm obviously holding it loosely anyway so it's a good thing. However, I find myself with a bunch of pictures at the end of the week of things I found interesting but didn't get to (or want to) post so I'm borrowing an idea from Ryan at This is Reverb and I'm putting up my first "Random 7" post. Seven things that may or may not have a common theme and may or may not be in order. Here goes. . .

Lucy is much better after giving us quite a scare last week. We still don't know what the problem was but, more than likely, she had a pulled muscle or a sore tail. It had something to do with her back end and she favored it for a few days and has now completely recovered.

School has been going pretty well. Gloria has finally decided that books are good and she's much more motivated to work on her own. Zach spends a good chunk of his school day on quizzing but still manages to get most everything else on his list done as well. His assigned literature book right now is Pilgrim's Progress and he is not enjoying it in the least. This is what a typical school day looks like for us:

Zach received a card game called "Swap" in his stocking for Christmas and we have been playing it just about every evening before bed. It's fun and silly and can be played in 30 minutes or less. It's a fast moving game and every once in awhile someone will play a "slap" card and everyone has to slap the pile. The last person to slap the pile has to draw two cards. The object is to get rid of your cards so there is usually quite a bit of chaos when a slap card is played. Lucy hates violence of any kind and has decided that the cards are the source of our "pain". She has started to jump up to the table randomly to grab the cards out of our hands as we play. It's pretty funny but we'll have to invest in a new set of cards pretty soon. Ours are getting pretty chewed up. . .

Our next quiz meet is coming up the weekend of the 23rd. We've been working hard on Wednesdays nights in order to be ready.

I'm no photographer, I've never even pretended to be one and this picture was taken with my phone so it's really not a good photo. But I like it. . .

Rob's shop in the backyard is finished and he is working in there on a daily basis building cases. It's not as bad as I predicted in this post. . .

Rob loves to talk audio and every once in awhile he finds someone not only willing to listen but who speaks the same language. Micah runs sound for the army band and the two of them went on and on and on (and on and on and on) about all things audio. I pretended to be interested for about five minutes and then I moved on to more interesting things like checking e-mail on my Blackberry. I love my Blackberry. . .
This Random Seven thing is good for the part of my nature that needs order and closure. Sure, it's random but I can still check it off the list. . .

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