Saturday, January 2, 2010

Memory Lane at Park Center . . .

Garcia's Mexican Restaurant, Park Center Blvd., 1989.
Although this picture of Barbacoa Restaurant was taken on January 2nd, 2010, it transported me back to the day in 1989 that I walked through the front doors of what was then Garcia's Mexican Restaurant and turned in my application for a food service position. At that time it was my dream job. I had been working at Sizzler for about 3 years and I was tired of knocking myself out every day for very little tip money. I was a good food server and I thought I was ready to work at a REAL restaurant. I was newly engaged, had a nice apartment with my sister and felt like it was time to make a change. Rob and I ate at Garcia's on a pretty regular basis when we were dating, even if it was just to sit on the patio and eat chips and salsa. In my mind, it was a stretch to even think I could get a job there but I really wanted it to happen so I turned in my application.

They gave me good news and bad news: They didn't need any food servers at that point but if I would be willing to start as a cocktail waitress, I could take the first food server position that came available. I didn't know anything about serving alcohol but I decided to take the job anyway. I didn't mind serving drinks, mostly margaritas and Mexican beer, and it was a pretty cushy job compared to what I was used to. I eventually moved on to food service (as well as a bit of bar tending!) and made many good friends along the way. In many ways, I considered my fellow employees to be my extended family. I worked there right up until Zach's second birthday in 1994 when I decided to stay home and have a little daycare in my new house. Shortly after that, the restaurant changed hands and names and I grieved a little bit over losing such an important part of my life.

Today I heard the news that the building had been the victim of a three-alarm fire overnight and was a total loss. It's strange how something can be so far removed and yet feel so personal. I had to drive by this afternoon and see the damage for myself. It brought out some pretty strange emotions in me from regret to sadness to curiosity about what has happened over the years to the people I forged such close relationships with during that time and yet still lost track of. It's been on my mind all day and, for some reason, I'm craving chips and salsa. . .

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