Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday, Roseberry, Day 4 of 5

I was up early on Saturday morning since it's very hard to sleep in the mountains once the sun comes up. It gave me a chance to watch a lone cowboy move a herd of cattle from the pasture behind our truck down the road to another field somewhere. . .

The pictures don't do it justice but it was an interesting site to see. The momma cows sure kept a close eye on their babies. It was all very noisy!

There wasn't time to play Saturday morning since we had to set up all of the back line Kurt brought up for the main band of the festival that would be rolling in for a sound check in the afternoon. I don't think the guys minded setting up all of the instruments and checking them to see if they worked. . .

. . . It was all business. . .

There were several guitar amps that needed to be checked. . .

Even a Hammond Organ!

The name of the group is J.J. Grey and Mofro and they were great!

We were ready for the sound check when they got there so I mostly just stayed out of the way. Because I could.

In fact, my presence there was so unnecessary, I took the kids into Donnelly just a few miles away and threw them in the lake.

I didn't have to do much arm-twisting. . .

I could almost imagine I was actually on vacation rather than at an event. . .

It was lovely. . .

We eventually had to go back to the stage to help set up the opening act for the evening and, once again, Hailey was my official event photographer!!

The Shook Twins were the opening act and they were a lot of fun. Young, talented and perfect for this type of venue. . .

I think they made a good impression on Hailey- they were very nice girls. . .

The Saturday night crowd was huge. . .

Both of the evening bands put on a great show. It was a perfect way to end the festival and a perfect way to help me forget that the first night was far, far, far less than perfect. . .

This is a very funny video by the Shook Twins but I have to give it a PG rating for language. . .

The song I wanted to put up a video for of the MoFro group was (in my opinion) rated R so I had to settle for this one. . .

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