Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ahhh. . . Ordinary. . .

I recognize that the way we live our life is, well, odd. Strange. Peculiar. Sometimes bizarre. Definitely out of the ordinary. Sometimes I long for ordinary. I don't think ordinary means easy or uncomplicated, it just means there is a beginning and a middle and an end. There is a wake up time, meal times and bed times. There is structure. I guess that's what is missing in my life. I'm mostly OK with it because our strange way of life can be very interesting and often very fun. I think my kids are turning out OK in spite of the lack of routine. Mostly. I know things will settle down some in the fall and structure is more within my grasp but, for now, I'll settle for little bits and pieces of ordinary. Like taking a day off for yard work and house work. Like sitting at the dinner table as a family (even if it IS Taco Bell). Like taking the dogs for an evening walk with the family to get ice cream. I could get used to ordinary.

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