Sunday, July 12, 2009

How We Spent Saturday. . .

Saturday found us with a little extra time on our hands. I'm not sure how or why and we may pay for it later but our plan was to not have a plan. Since I wasn't feeling too good, my plan turned into staying home - alone - and cleaning the house. It's amazing how much I can accomplish when I'm by myself. I even spent some time sorting through the music on my computer and making a bunch of play lists just for fun. Just for fun. That sounds kind of strange. . .

Rob and the kids, on the other hand, made a plan to take out the 4 wheelers. . .

They left the house around 10:00 a.m., went out to breakfast, loaded up the bikes and headed out to the ATV park in Emmett.

They rode for hours. . .

. . . and hours. . .

. . . and hours. . .

I even trusted them with my camera and, besides a little mud on the lens, it came back in the same condition it left and even contained some great pics and videos of their afternoon:

They ended up going out to dinner and a movie, too, so they arrived home around 12:30 a.m. tired and muddy but very, very satisfied with their adventurous day. Next time I might even go with them. . .

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