Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Old Friends". . .

An old friend was in town for a few days and we caught up over lunch on Wednesday. I don't mean old as in aged, because we're all still in our prime!, I just mean old as in I've-known-her-for-15 years-and-we've-been-through-a-lot-together old. Jeanette and Kristin were two of my very first friends when we started going to BFC when Zach was about 13 months old and, even though Jeanette moved away in 1997, we have always stayed in touch.
. . . And even though Kristin is just a few minutes away from the shop, she and I rarely take the time to just hang out together. We get the kids together often and we keep up-to-date on each other's lives in passing but it's not often that we sit down and chat without any of the kids around. It was really nice having a grown-up lunch and I'm convinced that we need to do this more often!

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