Monday, May 11, 2009

Come Along With Me. . .

The main goal of our short trip to the cabin was to take the 4-wheelers out for a nice long ride. Rob's dad came up on Monday to ride with us and Gloria got to be his passenger!

Zach usually rides a little green 4-wheeler but it's funny how small it looks in comparison to how tall he is now, so he upgraded to one of his grandpa's bikes. . .

I would so much rather ride the roads and trails at the cabin than the hills and gullies out in Emmett!! The scenery is SO much better!! I happily trailed along behind the others with my camera around my neck and my favorite music in my ears. I would slow down or stop whenever I felt like it to take a picture. . .

. . . and then go as fast as I wanted to until I caught up with the others. . .

I was thinking how great it was to have this experience and wishing I could share it with my friends. I decided that everyone who reads this could have the experience vicariously through this blog by doing a few things while looking at this post. First, throw some dirt in your eyes (because you weren't smart enough to put on goggles until later), second, eat a few bugs (it's even better if you have braces because they get stuck in there and you can enjoy them later), third play the songs I've put on here from Imeem since they are the ones I listened to as I drove along, and fourth, pretend you were there. . .

You Again - Cadillac Sky

If it took you close to 5 hours to experience this post, then it was truly like you were right there with me-all 46.2 miles!! If you got through it in less than a minute, which I'm assuming most of you did, you can always re-visit it again sometime when you need a mental vacation!!

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