Thursday, February 12, 2009

Toys. . .

The last couple of years in this business, give or take a few months, have been pretty good to us. We've been able to unload a load of debt and now find ourselves with a small window of opportunity to reward ourselves, just a little bit, for all of our hard work. Rob had a pretty nice 4-wheeler many, many years ago that had to be sold in order to meet adult responsibilities so it seems reasonable that our first "fun" purchase should be another 4-wheeler. Or two. Or three.

Rob's been doing a lot of research and seems to have found exactly what he wants and, while we haven't made the final committment yet, it's definitely in the works . . .

I think I could get used to this. . .

This is just a small sample of what this bike is capable of:

I can't really see me spinning out and doing wheelies, but then I couldn't imagine being able to walk comfortably around a horse a few months ago either. . . . . I guess anything's possible. . .

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