Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Tony!!

On Tuesday night we had a birthday celebration for one of my favorite people: my brother-in-law, Tony.

He always cracks me up with his dry wit and Gloria usually hangs on his every word just waiting to laugh at something, anything, he might say. . .

He usually gets fun things (?) like tools and snow mobile accessories as gifts. . .

Gloria was especially interested in his new set of digital calipers. . . (??). . .

I'm not exactly sure why. . .

After a delicious enchilada dinner followed by angel food birthday cake topped with whipped cream and strawberries, Zach and Gloria pulled out an assortment of hats and wigs

It was pretty entertaining. . .

Zach took on an assortment of interesting characters. . .

Zach says this is what I'll look like in 10 years when I'm really old. Apparently I'll be going into the mining or construction industry. . .

Just before we all went home for the evening, I sat at the table with my little niece and took these cute photos. It's easy to take cute photos with this kind of subject matter. . .

Notice that I didn't claim to take "quality" photos, just cute ones. . .

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