Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Nerdy-ness Is Showing. . .

Zach figured out a way to combine our two favorite games into one and, while I was reluctant to try it at first, I finally gave in and found that it was a lot more fun than I expected it to be.

Settlers of Catan is really a pretty friendly game, for the most part. As the players build communities, they work together by trading and helping one another as they help themselves. Cooperation is encouraged and winning would probably be quite difficult without a little teamwork.

Lord of the Rings Risk, however, isn't friendly at all. The object of the game is to wipe your opponent(s) off the board. Complete annihilation.

When the two games are combined, teamwork goes out the window and strategy becomes the name of the game. The rules are pretty simple and the game play doesn't change very much for either game. It's time-consuming because each turn consists of reinforcing armies, collecting resources, building cities and settlements as well as battling so we may be playing it all week . . . Rob is already making fun of us so I won't go into anymore detail here, but trust me, it's really fun. . .

We played for a few hours on Saturday and things were pretty even. After a few more hours on Sunday evening, Zach made some serious progress into my territory. This game may not take as long as I think. . .

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