Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Set and Forget

Somehow we are managing to stay busy in spite of the slow season. It's not crazy-busy like the summer months, but steady-busy in a good way. The guys have been working on a big production at the Civic Center that will take a big chunk of time over the next two weeks but cameras aren't allowed so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to say about that. . . We also had a set and forget show at the Idaho Expo building that we set up on Tuesday. Well, I didn't set anything up but I did take Coke's and donuts so that should count for something. . .

This is our third year on this event so we know just what to expect and there is another experienced crew working with us so it's really not too difficult. . .

Of course, I can say that because I don't actually have to do anything on this event!!

Once again, all we provide for this set-up are lights. And all the stuff that goes with the lights. . .

This set-up will stay in place for almost a week and then it will come back down.

Not a bad day's work. Especially since I didn't have to do anything. . . :)

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