Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tracie's Reading Meme

I didn't know if I was to put this as a comment on your blog and put it on my blog. So I just e-mailed it to you :-)
Well I actually had 3 books to choose from. They were all stacked on top of each other. I had "His Excellency George Washington", "Lincoln and Booth Beyond the Conspiracy", and "The Civil War". Any idea what I have been obsessed about lately. :-)

This is from "The Civil War":

Coffee was the preferred drink of both armies. Union troops crushed the beans with their rifle butts, drank four pints of it and day, "strong enough to float an iron wedge," and when they could not build a fire were content to chew the grounds. Southerners often made do with substitutes brewed from peanuts, potatoes, chicory.

Love and miss you

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