Thursday, February 7, 2008


(Continued from yesterday. . . ) Even though the power was out, Rob still had a 7:00 a.m. meeting. He got dressed by the glow of the cell phone, spent a good chunk of time scraping the newly fallen snow off of the Jeep and drove the 7 miles to the resort. He was late but so was everyone else. I waited anxiously to hear what the day would hold. There was every possibility that we would be going home. Around 9:30 a.m. the power came back on, the sun came out and shortly after that, Rob called and told me to start packing our bags. He went on to say that our accomodations were changing for the better: we were being moved into a chalet right on the mountain. Ironically, when I hung up with Rob, the front desk of our current hotel called to say they had a nice, big, non-smoking room for us complete with a kitchenette. I chose the first option and started packing our bags. We took advantage of the free continental breakfast and then moved out.

Our chalet was ready and waiting for us when we arrived so we quickly walked around, wondering at the way the day was unfolding. The A.M. meeting went well and we were obviously staying but only had to set up about half of what we brought (the only downside here is that they brought in one of our competitors to cover the half-pipe, which we easily could have done. . . ). Our new friends at the resort truly wanted to make it up to us and were more than happy to provide these lovely accomodations. We were thrilled, to say the least.

We quickly looked around and then headed up the hill to help Rob. We had plenty of help and Gloria and I even got to ride in the big snow cat that hauled the speakers up the mountain. Pictures can't do this justice, and I don't think you can really call this work.

These are the views from inside the snowcat:

It was a lovely ride.

This is where our speakers will live for the next few days:

We had plenty of help setting up the speakers.

We had so much help that all I had to do was take pictures. . .

The Super Pipe, view from the base:
The super Pipe, view from the top:

Panoramic view:

This snowmobile that we borrowed from Rob's dad has proved to be invaluable:

It didn't take long to set up and we headed back to the house where I quickly settled in to blissful domesticity.

We took a little drive in the evening to see a few snow-covered ice scultpures:

So much snow!!

Back home and into the jacuzzi!! Ahhhhh. . .

Hindsight's 20/20 and I'm thankful for all of the stress on Wednesday that led to the bliss on Thursday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alright, rub it in. I definitely got the raw end of the deal.

Love you!