Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's been quite a week. Between school, work, quizzing, food poisoning and a day trip to Salt Lake City and back, I'm feeling just a little tired and overwhelmed. There is so much to do and it's almost like I'm paralyzed by everything that is required of me right now and I can't grasp where to begin . . . Anyway, here's a few snapshots of the surfacy stuff from the last week:
We went out to dinner for Valentine's Day:

Rob got a new welder. Woo hoo.

There was a beautiful dedication service on Sunday for pretty little Eva Grace:

We celebrated my mom's birthday:

I retched violently for 6 hours on Monday evening. Thankfully there are no pictures.
AND we drove to Salt Lake and back on Tuesday to pick up some fancy speakers for an event this weekend. I was still feeling quite puky so this is the only picture I managed to take:

If life and my stomach will just settle down a little bit, I'll be fine. . .

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