Monday, February 4, 2008

Superbowl Sunday

Most of these pictures don't need an explanation, but this is a funny story!! Alysha was picking on poor Rob after the game so, of course, he had to pick right back. This really upset Alysha's sweet little sister, Lauren! She came running in the room I was in, almost out of breath and said, "HEY ! . . . um. . . um. . . your. . . um. . . your. . . um. . . your. . . um. . . your. . . DAD. . . is gettin' 'Lysha!!" That's all the proof I need- Rob looks WAY older than me!!


Anonymous said...

Geez, can't you get a good picture of me? That one is yicky! I think that I need to come and do a photo session and you can superimpose the ones that are good into situations as you see fit. Maybe we could make a Flat Lori that you can take with you. Just kidding. I was just telling a friend how annoying your picture taking was at first and how I have now gotten used to it. Don't tell anyone, but I actually look forward to seeing my mug on your blog.

Love ya!

My Crazy Beautiful Life said...

Lori, it's not YOU at all!! My camera just took bad pictures that day! Seriously, the battery was dying and I couldn't take a good shot to save my life!! I think you're beautiful anyway!!