Sunday, February 18, 2007

February 18, 2007

Friday and Saturday were really bad days for me. I take back what I said a few days ago about preferring to be sick over lifting light bars and such. . . I would not wish this crud on anyone. I would rather lift speakers, lights, truss, whatever, over being completely knocked out by what must be the flu. I was in a fog for a couple of days but I still took pictures of the kids!!! I have my priorities!!!

Today I ran sound at church and it was pretty uneventful (the sound, not the message!). Shawn gave a sermon on my favorite passage of scripture, Colossians 3. Good stuff.

Before each quiz meet this year, we have had an extra practice affectionately known as a "marathon practice". The first one lasted about 7 hours, the second one was shortened to around 5 hours, the third one was closer to 4 hours and today we met from 12:30-3:00. It wasn't especially productive, but I'm sure every bit helps.

Rob hasn't been feeling up to par for a couple of days and now he is running a fever of 101. He only gets sick about once/year and it usually only sets him back a couple of days. He wasn't thrilled about having his picture taken!! He and Gloria stayed home from church and watched King Kong.

Gloria has almost fully recovered after being sick for over a week. She still has a lingering cough and a snotty nose, but seems to be back to "normal".

Zach recovered from the crud pretty quickly. He usually does. He was great at helping me out on Friday and Saturday even though he didn't feel all that great himself.

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