Monday, February 7, 2011

Paradise. . .

I spent the bulk of last week sitting in front of my computer doing paperwork and transitioning between 2010 and 2011 in the business books. Fortunately, I enjoy doing the books for the business but I probably make more work for myself than is truly necessary. I get pretty carried away with spread sheets and statistics. I dot my i's and cross my t's in triplicate. I bought a new lap top that will, hopefully, just be used for business so it's a big endeavor to switch things around. Anyway, by the end of the week, I was ready to step away from the computer and do something different. So we made an impromptu trip up to Paradise. It was beautiful. . .

Gloria brought her friend from school (and Ethiopia) who had yet to see Idaho mountains. . .

This was also Tsigerda's first sledding experience. The girls started out slow and easy by sledding on the slopes in the cabin yard. . .

Then we all went over the to long driveway that leads down the road to the neighbor's house. . .

I positioned myself, camera in hand, at the bottom of the road because I'm a mom and there are cars and dogs at the end of this driveway. And also to take pictures. Of course.

We forgot to fill Tsigerda in on important sledding rules such as: wait until the slope is clear of other sledders before going down. . .

But, now she knows. . . .

No harm done. . .

We conquered the driveway so we headed over to where the truly good sledding happens at the cabin: The Meadow.

As long as we've been visiting the cabin, we've gone sledding in the meadow. Sure, there have been "No Trespassing" signs around but they are usually (mostly) covered with snow by sledding season so it's easy to pretend they don't exist. This time, however, the owners of the meadow are serious. We were met with barbed wire and a gate:

Usually the hill across the road isn't sleddable due to fallen trees and branches but we managed to find an opening that turned out to be almost as good as the meadow. . .

Our visit was short but sweet. . .

And now, back to work. Where I have Internet and cell phone coverage! :)

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Looks like you had a blast!! :) I think a day trip up with the youth group would be wonderful.