Monday, February 28, 2011

Memorabilia #17: Artwork. . .

I realized today that when I posted Memorabilia #1, I said I would be going through boxes for a few days.  I must have been in denial to think that I could empty the family room, Gloria's room and the room Zach moved out of 6 months ago (leaving most of his stuff behind) in just 3 days.  I'm definitely making progress but it feels like it might never end.  One of the things that keeps me going is knowing that I can post some of the treasures that I find right here on the blog.  Plus I'm really enjoying my new scanner/copier/printer that is WIRELESS.  I'm easily entertained. 

Today I found piles and piles of artwork.  There is definitely a difference in the way Zach and Gloria draw.  I don't want to say it's necessarily gender differences but it just might be.  Gloria tends to draw pretty pictures with princesses and ponies, rainbows and unicorns, friends and family.  Zach, on the other hand, draws creepy, gory, bloody pictures with swords and jagged edged weapons.  Here is a little sample of what I'm talking about.  Both of the pictures were drawn in the past, the first one was probably drawn 6 or 7 years ago and the second one, maybe 3 or 4 years ago.  Try to guess who each one belongs to:

I assumed the second picture was depicting a little teen-aged angst but when I asked Zach about it he pointed to the creepy figure and said, "No, that's Gloria. . . "  And somehow that made me feel better.

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