Sunday, October 31, 2010

Texting With Zach . . .

Actual Text Conversation:

12:24 pm
Zach: We need some super glue
Me: For what
Zach: For a broken tarantula

12:58 pm
Zach: There is a snake in our backyard
Me: A real one?
Zach: Yes. Are black snakes poisonous
Me: How big is it?
Zach: Well i lost it. It was about a foot long
Me: Yikes! See if you can find it and trap it
Zach: It wasn't black actually it was grey and greenish
Me: Ewwww
Zach: It's all coiled up
Me: Did you find it?
Zach: Yes
Me: Send me a pic
Zach: I lost it again

1:14 pm
Zach: I'm trying to trap it its behind the branch pile
Me: k
Zach: k i caught him
Me: How?
Zach: I sent you a pic
Me: dad says to put him in the shop where it's warm
Zach: Can i keep him
Me: (silence)
Zach: What do they eat
Me: Doubtful. Mice and crickets
Zach: Can you get some crickets, please :)

So. . . that is how we ended up with this:

Yes, I bought crickets and, yes, I guess we are keeping him. . . and . . . ewwwww.

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