Monday, October 4, 2010

The End. . .

Saturday was officially the last day of our outdoor concert season. The set up wasn't too bad, the weather was beautiful and the concert was easy. I can say that because I didn't have to do much during the show at all so I'd say it was the perfect end to a busy season!

The concert was a benefit for a charity called Personal Ponies. The organization raises miniature horses and gives them to children with disabilities. This is Les. He and his wife, Donnis, run the local chapter of this charity and they take it very seriously. They were some of the nicest people we've worked with. You can read more about who they are and what they do by clicking right here.

The event was well organized and had plenty to offer including Harleys and Classic Cars. . .
Kurt was running sound at the Civic Center for Saxaphobia so Sergio came out and ran the monitor board so I didn't have to!!

Andy Griggs was the main artist for the evening and put on a nice acoustic show.

Straight Away was the opening band and had the opportunity to jam with Andy after his acoustic set. . .

The whole event was pretty laid back. As Rob likes to say, "It was fun AND easy". This time I can actually agree with that statement.
Here is a video of Andy Griggs singing one of his well known songs (if you're into country music, that is. . . ):

Even though our "busy season" has officially come to an end, we have plenty of things to keep us busy over the next few months including building about 20 cases, throwing together a couple more stage trailers and another move into a "new" space. It should all prove to be very interesting. . .

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