Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

For Thanksgiving this year, we didn't exactly follow tradition. Instead of a big turkey dinner, we went out to brunch with my family. So, while we missed out on turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy, we also missed out on peeling dozens of potatoes and scrubbing pots and pans.

Besides, isn't the whole point of Thanksgiving being with the ones you love and counting your blessings?? Yep.

I have lots and lots of blessings. . .

After brunch, we still managed to do all the "normal" Thanksgiving stuff . . . like napping. . .

. . . looking at Black Friday ads. . .

. . . playing dress up. . .

. . . playing with cousins. . .

. . . watching football. . .
. . . laughing. . .

. . . playing games. . .

. . . and fighting with cousins over who's turn it is to use the binoculars.

The bonus at the end of the day was missing out on the turkey hangover. For that I'm very thankful!!!

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