Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Withdrawl. . .

I've been having Gloria withdrawls this week which has kind of taken me by surprise because I hardly noticed when she was up at camp.  I was probably distracted by work so I'm sure it went by pretty quickly but this week I've practically been sitting by the phone waiting for her to text.  Or call.  Or SOMETHING. 

I FINALLY got a call this afternoon and she sounded about 3 years older than when she left.  She very excitedly told me about getting nominated and then appointed (?) as an officer with youth yearly meeting and needed to make sure I could get her to the board meeting in January in Newberg.  We didn't have a great connection but I understood most of what she said and I assured her I would get her wherever she needed to be.

 I'm wondering if she knows what a board meeting is. . . ??

She said she had to speak in front of the entire Yearly Meeting which was probably 500 people, I'm guessing??  I wish I could have been there. 

I asked her to PLEASE text me a picture- I wanted to make sure she didn't look as old as she sounded. . .

I was relieved to see that she still looks like my little girl.

On a side note, before she went to camp a few weeks ago, she wrote, "I love you, Mommy" on the bathroom mirror.  With her eyeliner pencil.  It brings a smile to my face every time I see it- the epitomy of being caught between a child and a woman.  I can't bring myself to clean the words off of the mirror so I carefully clean around it, thinking that maybe she misses me, too.  But I kind of doubt it.  And that's ok. . .


Tresa said...

I've seen Gloria many times this week and it looks as though she is having a wonderful time. I even heard her as she introduced herself on stage. She's a confident and beautiful young lady! You can be proud!

My Crazy Beautiful Life said...

Awww, thanks Tresa! I'm glad she had fun but I'm also glad she's coming home today!!