Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Blackberry Saga. . .

So, it might seem sometimes like my life is only about work.  It definitely all runs together sometimes but there really are other things going on. . .

Take my phone, for instance.  (And you thought I was going to talk about my kids!)  My old, beloved Blackberry has been slowly passing away over the last couple of months.  Everyone I talked to told me I needed a Droid.  With a touch screen.  And lots of apps.  It was time to switch to Verizon anyway since Rob and Gloria had been on that plan since Christmas, so before the big McCall trip, I went to the Mall and talked with Nick at Verizon.

Nick and I found out that we share a birthday.  Only I was born 24 years before him.  I remember this because it came up several times during my 3 visits to the Verizon kiosk in the mall since my ID had to be shown each and every visit.  One of the reasons I dreaded getting a new phone is the time it takes to switch things around.  I don't like the mall.  I don't like wasting time.  I don't like spending money. 

Now, Nick was a nice guy.  He was doing his job.  On my first visit, I walked up to the kiosk and determinedly said, I want a Blackberry. I don't like touch screens and I need a qwerty keyboard.  Nick brought me 3 touch screen Droids to look at.  I don't know why I even bothered looking but I actually chose the one that had a keyboard.  Gloria was with me and Nick was carrying on a lively conversation with her and for some reason I allowed myself to be drawn in by the fact that Droids are cool.  Gloria loved the phone.  Nick loved the phone.  I should love the phone.  An hour later, Gloria and I left the mall with the new phone.

I hated the phone.

Touch screens are not my friends.  I'm sure most people would disagree with me about Droids and touch screens and I'm sure that if I gave them a chance, I would grow to love them, too.  But I doubt it.  I spent three miserable days with that phone before I marched it up to the kiosk and handed it back to Nick.

"Give me a Blackberry, Nick".  I swear he rolled his eyes at me and muttered, "Old school" under his breath but he took me seriously this time and said they would have to order one.  I didn't want to go through the McCall trip with the Droid so I had all of my information transferred to an older Blackberry that a friend had loaned me.  I had to go through all of the paperwork again and, hey, it turns out that Nick and I share a birthday. . .

The fourth thing I did when I got back from McCall (first, I did laundry, second, I sang at a funeral, third, I dropped my kids off at the bus that would take them to camp for a week) was a trip to the mall.  Nick wasn't there and neither was my new Blackberry.  I was assured that it would be in by noon the next day.

On Thursday, at noon, I showed up at the mall.  Happily, both Nick and my Blackberry were waiting for me.  Nick seemed to have realized that there was no going back so he unwrapped my pretty magenta phone and handed it to me with a smile on his face.  It was exactly what I wanted.  Another hour went by as we went through switching my phone over (Hey! We share a birthday!) and I finally walked out of the mall with the perfect phone. 

I've had it for almost a week now and I couldn't be happier. . . With the phone, anyway. . .

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