Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Funny. . .

You won't get the humor in this post unless you know our family really well so you might as well skip it if that isn't the case. . .

In the movie re-make of Cat-In-The-Hat, well behaved sister, Sally, begs her mom to give her rules, too, just like her brother.  After watching that movie a few years ago, I started handing out rules to Zach just so, you know, he wouldn't feel left out when Gloria got rules.  When I leave the house, I will tell him things like, "no drinking and smoking while I'm gone."  He usually just rolls his eyes at me and I'm the only one who finds the humor.  This morning I told him not to have any wild parties while I was away and he said, "What do you think I'm going to do, call Mike and say, 'my mom's not home, come on over and play Cattan'???"

HA! It made me laugh.  It made me count my blessings that I have an 18 year old boy who doesn't know how to get into trouble.  Maybe I should knock on wood but I think we've made it through the tough teenage years (with Zach, anyway) with very little duress.  (I actually thought the same thing when he made it through the "terrible twos" in much the same way but then he turned into a little monster bully for a year when he turned three. . . I hope history doesn't repeat itself. . . )

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