Friday, May 27, 2011

Business Busy-ness. . .

The older I get, the faster time flies.  I've heard that before but I didn't really believe it.  Now it feels like I get out of bed in the morning, turn a few circles and the day is suddenly over.  I lose track of time easily (just ask Gloria who spent 45 minutes in the office after school one day this week because I "forgot" her) and it feels like I can't really accomplish much of anything.  It's frustrating, to say the least.  So, in the interest of time, I probably won't be posting too much about the business on my blog this summer.  It's the same story over and over anyway: We load the truck, we set it all up, we move bands on and off of the stage for a few days, we tear it all down, we load it back in the truck and we start all over again.  I'm trying to keep up with networking the business by posting pictures on our Facebook page as well as on our business blog so it just makes sense to put a link to the other blog here rather than double posting and going on and on and on about each event.  So. . . . here are links to our last two events:

The Eagle Island Experience Festival

United Way at The Egyptian Theatre

And that's the best I can do. . .

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