Thursday, February 24, 2011

Locks of Love. . .

So Gloria decided a few weeks ago that she wanted to have a shorter hair cut. I didn't want her to make a hasty decision that she might regret so I made sure her appointment was far enough down the road that she would have time to change her mind. Well, the appointment was today and she didn't change her mind.

Mechelle has been cutting Gloria's hair since her very first hair cut as a toddler and I totally trust her judgement. Gloria brought her a picture of what she wanted her hair to look like and Mechelle made it happen. . .

Gloria's loss could become someone else's gain since it was long enough to send to Locks of Love. . .

Gloria was very happy with the outcome. . .

The photos with my phone couldn't do it justice so I took a few more at home:

This is the picture that the style was taken from:

It's pretty darn close. . .


Samantha said...

You better watch out Tanya! Gloria gets more gorgeous and grown up every single day :) She takes after her beautiful mom! :)

My Crazy Beautiful Life said...

Aww. . . Thanks! I missed you Wendnesday night and will REALLY miss you on the quiz trip this weekend!

Jeff Long said...

Samantha said it well. What a beautiful young lady she has grown into. :) We miss and love all you guys. XOXO to everyone.