Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Construction and Destruction. . .

*de-struc-tion [dih-struhk-shuhn]-n. The act of destroying.

*con-struc-tion [kuhn-struhk-shuhn]-n. The act or art of constructing.

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .
Construction. . .

Destruction. . .
Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

Construction. . .

Destruction. . .

To be Continued. . . Obviously.

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