Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bob. . .

You should call someone today that you've been meaning to call but may not have a reason to. Call them just to say hello. Call them just to say you're thinking of them. Send an e-mail. Send a text. Send a FB message. If they are on your mind, touch base. Because you can.

For the last three weeks I've thought about calling our friend, Bob, who hires us often for concerts but who had also become a friend. All summer he randomly dropped into the shop just to say hello. He didn't stay long but it was always good to see him. It had been about three weeks since I had spoken to him and I thought on several occasions that it had been awhile and it would be good to see him. But I didn't call because I was busy and I didn't have a reason.

Yesterday he lost the battle to cancer even though the last I heard he was in remission. We didn't even know he'd been sick again. And now he's gone and I didn't have a chance to say good-bye. It's weighing on me today that life is short and just because someone is here today it doesn't mean they will be here tomorrow. That sounds pessimistic and dismal but I want to hold on to the reminder so that I will remember what is important in this life.

The lyrics from one of the songs our quartet sings sums up how I feel:

This day is fleeting, when it slips away
Not all our money can buy back this day
So let us pray that we might be a friend
Before this day is spent.

This is a link to an article about Bob that says it way better than I ever could:

Remembering Bob

He will be missed. . .

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