Thursday, October 15, 2009

Riders and a Preview. . .

Concerts at The Egyptian and The Civic Center make up the bulk of our shows in the "off-season" which is great but can cause me a little stress since they usually come with very specific contracts and riders. An artist rider is a long list of requests that the incoming artist needs in order to perform. Our job is to come as close as possible to providing what they ask for and also to communicate with them to find out what is absolutely necessary and what they will settle for if their first choice just isn't available anywhere in Idaho. Everyone we have worked with so far has been pretty accommodating and willing to settle when necessary so it really shouldn't be as stressful as I make it!! (Thankfully, Rob and Kurt are cool about the whole thing, so I let them handle it!!) The show at The Civic Center on Tuesday required a mark tree (set of percussion chimes) for the drum set that we provided. Rob and Kurt looked around and couldn't find an affordable one anywhere so Rob did what Rob does and he built one. He bought the brass and cut them into the correct lengths and then attached them with embroidery thread to the piece of cherry wood that he had cut and sanded. It took him 4 or 5 hours but we now own our very own mark tree and it looks and sounds amazing!:

The show was 100 Years of Broadway and, even though the group came in 2 1/2 hours late, we still pulled it off and started right on time. . .

The mark tree fit right in and came through loud and clear.

On a side note, these are some of the concerts we have coming up in November:





It's shaping up to be our best November. Ever.

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