Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Emma and Lucy. . .

I could list plenty of reasons why I dislike having dogs. Besides all the dog hair they generate that finds it's way into every nook and cranny of my home, they also bring in mud and all kinds of things I don't want to think about from the backyard. Lucy's favorite toy is the dismembered head of an old baby doll that she chewed up when she was a pup. She carries that disgusting thing everywhere and even manages to sneak it into the house when I'm not looking. Ewww. Lucy also likes to get a mouthful of food out of her dish in the kitchen only to drop it onto the living room floor in order to slowly enjoy every morsel. Inevitably, several morsels get left behind. Emma, on the other hand, wolfs her food down as quickly as possible and then throws her dish until someone (usually me) takes pity and fills it up again. Between the two of them, it seems like one of them needs to go out every 10 minutes, their water dish is in constant need of a refill and they instinctively know that if they need something in the night, even if it's only a bit of attention, I'm the only one who will wake up when they nudge. They drive me crazy.

But I wouldn't trade them for anything. . .

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