Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Rare Glimpse. . .

This post contains very rare pictures of my back yard. I used to have a lovely, green back yard. When I watched kids in my home for a living, it was essential to have a fun, safe place for them to play. We had a beautiful two-story playhouse, a three-story fort, a HUGE truck tire buried in the sand, 2 slides and a tree house. My kids claim that the neighbor kids think we have the best backyard on the street. I'm pretty sure they believe that only because it is shrouded in mystery. Like a Ghost Town. No one is allowed to go back there. Ever. It has become a very scary, dry waste land. With all of my other responsibilities (work, school, laundry, dishes, sleep, etc), I have had to put on my blinders where the back yard is concerned.

When Rob started talking about building a shop in the backyard, I was somewhat opposed but realized that if he actually spent time back there, he might be inspired to fix it up a little bit. I can always hope, right? Rob and the kids spent the better part of two days laying the foundation this week. Even his dad took pity on us and spent an entire day shoveling sand. I admit, I didn't pick up the shovel even one time. All I could do, considering how I feel about the yard thing, was to step outside, snap a quick pic, and scurry back in. I can't have my blinders falling off!! Here is what they accomplished with all of their hard work:

It would be nice to get this project done before the snow falls but, if not, at least the snow will cover it all up!!

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