Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Catch Up

I always, honestly, think that someday I will "Catch Up". Someday the laundry will be finished, the house will be clean, the yard will be beautifully landscaped, my business paperwork will all be in order, my checking accounts will be balanced, the bills will all be paid, my blog will have daily entries, my photos will be out of the box and into the albums, the kids will dot every i and cross every t as they diligently do their school work, my car will be buffed, shined and thoroughly vacuumed out, the pets dishes will be full of food and water and there will be no mud on their paws, my committee meeting notes will be typed, the shop will be clean and organized, Gloria's toys will be forever sorted into color-coded bins, I will remember and commemorate every friend's and family member's birthday with a timely, sentimental card, the fridge and pantry will be stocked with healthy food and snacks just waiting to be prepared according to a perfectly prepared month-at-a-time menu plan. . . . Obviously, it's not gonna happen. But, I won't give up. I won't throw in the towel. I will put one foot in front of the other and I will breathe in and out and I will be thankful for my family and friends, for a husband who loves me unconditionally, for a roof over my head, for the ability to teach and nurture my children, and for a business that makes me crazy but pays the bills and teaches me something new every day. That said, here is a little bit of my life over the last week or so, in no particular order.

Rob and Dale have been working every waking minute on Phase 2 of the Baker Stage Project. I don't think I've ever seen Rob quite this tired in the 22 years that I've known him.

On Saturday, we celebrated Andrew's and Kristin's birthdays (Gloria has been sick with a cough so I've kept her far away from Kristin who really doesn't need a cough of her own right now!):

On Sunday, the Taffin's invited all of the "music people" from church over for lunch. It was so nice just hanging out and getting to know everyone a little bit better. There are several new families and people who are helping with the music lately and there just isn't enough time or opportunities to get to know everyone. "Someday" I will have a house that I can "entertain" in and we will have people over for lunch every Sunday and over for Game Night every Friday. . . Someday. . .

Zach has been hogging my camera with his stop motion animation project. It's going to be very cool when it's done but he's taken about 400 pictures and is only about 1/3 of the way through. Here's a very small, un-animated part of the project:

Someday I will even finish my taxes in time to take them to my accountant so I won't have to file an extension. . . . Someday. . .


Anonymous said...

My baby boymis sooooo cute. Thank you for making my day! Love you -Vic

Anonymous said...

My baby boy is sooo cute! Thanks for making my day, Love you - Vic