Monday, April 2, 2012

And So It Begins. . .

It snuck up on me again!  I always think I'm going to have all winter to catch up on things.  Things like sleep and housework and paperwork and life.  And then, WHAM, it's the season for outdoor concerts.  Each winter that goes by leaves me just a little bit less-ready for the reality of our busy season. 

We had our first outdoor event of the season yesterday (I don't count the Winter Carnival as part of our "season"!!).  Nothing too difficult, just a stage and a small-ish sound system. . .

Piece of cake, really. . .

This event was nothing compared to some of our summer festivals so I really hope that the way I felt after the event was over isn't an indicator of how I'll be feeling all summer. . .

But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?? Right. . . . . .

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