Wednesday, August 17, 2011

$495.76 Really CAN Buy Happiness. . .

We've been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster where college is concerned.  Because of our educational history, Zach is really stepping out into uncharted territory.  You know, going to class, turning in homework, taking notes, earning grades, etc. etc. etc. . .

I think he spent the first part of the summer in denial but the 2-day orientation last week gave him a brutal shove into the reality that he will be facing very soon.  Like 5 days from now. . .

I admit, I've been a little worried.  Asking myself questions like, "Did I prepare him well enough?", "Did I overprotect him too much?", "Will he be able to step into the 'real' world without my assistance?"  . . .

We've looked at huge lecture halls, we've timed the journey from one building to the next (10 minutes to get there, we made it in 9:50!) and we've navigated the campus from one end to the other.  We have both felt overwhelmed by this new challenge . . .

And then today we went to the bookstore.  We spent $495.76 on six books.  As Zach walked out of the book store with his heavy bag he peered inside at his new-to-him text books and smiled.  He looked at me and said, "It's like I've been given gifts!!  Is it OK if I read ahead?" . . .

And for the first time since we started this college adventure, I felt completely reassured that he is going to be just fine . . .

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