Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wednesday, May 25th, Gloria's Very First School Program EVER. . .

I wasn't as involved in Gloria's school this year as I would have liked to have been but there wasn't really any pressure to do much so I just sat back and watched Gloria have a really good year.  A few months ago, however, the arts director of the school got wind of the fact that we own a sound company and asked for a favor.  She needed a little assistance with the end of the year concert and wondered if we could donate sound and maybe lights and did we know of a good venue and, oh yeah, a spot light would be cool, AND some black lights for the 6th graders portion of the show. Um, yeah, a stage, too.  I ended up saying yes to everything and even worked it out for the program to be held in the church gym.  I questioned my sanity a few times but in the end, it all worked out and I'm so glad we were a part of it. . .

Gloria was very excited for the part her class was playing in the show.  They painted black clothing with white paint to look like skeletons as a part of their science unit on bones and fossils.  They also had mummies and other interesting aspects to their choreographed dance.  Unfortunately the paint on their shirts didn't work with the UV lights but we didn't find that out until about an hour before the performance.  We had the shirts but no kids so we (Zach, Gloria, Me) quickly cut out bones from white paper and taped them on to all of the shirts!  Gloria's teacher and a few other people helped out for the last half hour and we got them all done!  It turned out really great and was worth all of the effort. 

Each class performed to a couple of songs from The Carnival of the Animals and everyone did a great job!!

I would say there were about 400+ people crammed into the church gym. . .

This picture is from the finale'.  You can see Gloria's proud face peeking out from behind her class mates:

This is her class in front of the stage taking their final bows:

The school principal told her the next day that they sure are glad she goes to this school. . .

(That was helpful knowledge on the day I forgot to pick her up later in the week and she had to sit and visit with the school principal for 45 minutes.  Just when I think I'm in the running for that elusive mother-of-the-year award. . . . .)

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