Sunday, June 26, 2011

Antsy. . .

Honestly, one of my favorite performers ever is Antsy McClain. We've worked with some interesting people over the years and I've liked most of them.  I've intensely disliked a couple of them and felt neutral about a few of them but Antsy has always stood out among all of the entertainers we've worked with as pretty dang amazing.  The concert on Friday night was the third event we've run sound for Antsy at The Egyptian so now it's like he's an old friend.  Well, that's an exaggeration, but this time around we had a couple of chances to "hang out" with him.  I sound a little star-struck but Antsy is just a regular Joe.  With a whole lot of talent and creativity.  And depth.  His songs are light-hearted and funny but most of them have a message that speaks to people on a totally different level.  He's a great song writer.  I was having a bad day on Friday and once the concert started, I couldn't help but smile.  By the end of the evening, I just felt better.  Seriously.  This is Antsy:
I talked a little bit about Pauly in an earlier post.  We spent quite a bit of time with him since he came to town a couple of weeks before the Egyptian concert.  He's a one-man-band and can easily entertain a crowd all by himself.  He also travels with and plays keyboards for Antsy McClain and the Trailer Park Troubadours.  This is Pauly:

I posted the rest of the concert pictures here on the Committed Events Blog. 

They all left town this afternoon with the promise to be back next year.  I'm already looking forward to it. . .

Here are a few of my favorite videos and links to tide me over. . .
Antsy Unhitched

Pauly Zarb

Antsy's Blog

Antsy's Art

This is a video of one of my favorite songs.  It's 10 minutes long but it's worth watching.  The song starts at the 3 minute mark if you want to skip the banter.  It's a private concert somewhere with just Pauly and Antsy.
Dora's Dark Side

More good videos:
The Bathroom Songwriter

The One About The Silver-Haired Old Lady

The Blah Blah Song

Pauly Zarb Down Under

Good times. . .

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