Sunday, February 28, 2010

Vintage. . .

My little venture into the attic has motivated me to tackle the entire area and purge at least 75% of it. I'm embarrassed to say that there are at least 2 full boxes that hold every canceled check we wrote from about 1992-1995. Every. Single. Canceled. Check. I have my work cut out for me. But I have a feeling I'll also find some treasures with stories to tell . . .

Take this green and white polka-dotted dress for instance:

When I was in the 6th grade, my mom made me this beautiful dress with white fringe around the collar and hem. The dress had a special purpose: I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dance The Charleston with a group of my friends at a school assembly. I even had a long string of white beads to swing around as we danced. We practiced and practiced and practiced and I could not wait to kick up my heels and twirl my beads in front of the whole school.
The morning of the program I woke up with a terrible sore throat. I was no stranger to strep throat so my parents knew I wouldn't be able to go to school. I missed the program. I didn't dance The Charleston. I didn't wear the dress with the white fringe around the collar and the hem.
When I found the dress in a box in the attic, I almost cried all over again at the memory. It was a sad, sad day. It did, however, make me very happy to see Gloria prance around in it, kicking up her heels and looking very much like I must have all those years ago.
She also got a big kick out of wearing my prom dress. . .

The box that held my 2 treasured dresses also held a remnant from Rob's past. I have much to say about this lovely black jacket but I'm going to try to be nice.
Rob played keyboards in a rock band in the late eighties. They were called Rock Candy and they had a female lead singer. It wasn't me.
All I'm going to say about it is that it's only by the grace of God that our relationship survived that time period. Anyway. . . his "band outfit" included this black jacket that he decorated with "bling". . .
I just can't say anymore without saying something I'll regret. . .
I'm sure there will be more stories and treasures in the near future. . .

1 comment:

Melanie said...

That! Jacket!

(I will give Rob a meeeellion dollars if he wears that to church next time you do music.)