Monday, February 15, 2010

Random 7 . . .

I rediscovered the other day and wasted a lot of time messing around with all of the features. It's fun, free AND easy!!

Thanks to good advice from Katrina and our vet, the cat has fully recovered and the sore on her hind end has completely healed up, all for the cost of a bottle of hydrogen peroxide! It was a miracle!

We watched the Superbowl at my in-laws and Steph came along to keep me company. It was a really fun evening until I got pulled over after dropping her off. . .

Gloria has been given a different horse to ride on Thursdays. She has graduated, in a sense, from the slower, calmer ponies to a horse named Abbey.

Abbey is taller and faster and this could be the beginning of a long and beautiful friendship between the two of them. . .

I probably should take back every bad thought I ever had and every negative word I ever said about moving the case business back home. The pros have far outweighed the cons and I am reaping many benefits from having Rob around the house more. Just between you and me, I was afraid that Rob would be in the house all the time distracting the kids from their school work and giving me more information on all things related to electrical, audio and woodworking than I'd ever want to know. Instead, he spends most of his time out in the shop WORKING! Not that he didn't work when the shop was in Boise but he was far too easily distracted by visitors, phone calls and a shop full of audio toys. AND not only does he not distract the kids too much, he is adding to their education!!
Zach has been learning all sorts of useful things. . .

He's doing all the things that I used to have to do!!!!!!! It's a miracle!!!

Gloria hasn't been as quick to embrace this new lifestyle but she can be lured out to the shop by the promise of making a little money. She and Rob spent several hours sorting drill bits into labeled bins the other night.

He even managed to fit in a math lesson on fractions while he was at it!!

Besides working, Rob has also been spending some time getting organized. He sorted this huge pile of nuts and bolts. . .
. . . into these handy dandy drawer organizers!!!

And now, just so I can close this random post on a very random note, Lucy is completely obsessed with lights. All lights, really, but especially the kind generated by shiny, metal objects. This keeps her very, very busy all day, out in the shop and out of my way. Just one more bonus to having the shop in my backyard. . .

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