Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve. . .

I'm sure Murphy's Law comes into play somewhere here because I was feeling very prepared for Christmas when we noticed a hard lump in Emma's ear late Tuesday evening. We took her to the vet first thing on Wednesday where they immediately scheduled her for emergency surgery. She had a hemotoma that had to be lanced and cleaned to prevent a more serious infection. It was a full surgery with an overnight stay so it wasn't cheap. AND it couldn't have come at a worse time! Well, I suppose there is always a worse time but this was far from good timing. Rob picked her up on Christmas Eve day with instructions to keep her quiet and don't let her shake her head. Yeah, right. She has to wear the "cone of shame" for 8-10 days while her ear heals up. Instead of changing our Christmas plans, we just took her along. . .

Anyway. . . . believe it or not, I still had ONE more thing to get on Christmas Eve so Gloria and I ran to Walmart where what to our wondering eyes should appear?? Santa on a Harley. Of course we had to stop and take a picture!

We still made it out to my parent's house by 4:00 Thursday evening where we had a chance to relax and enjoy some good company. . .

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. . .

It was so nice being with family but we left fairly early due to Emma's misery. At home I puttered around the house putting finishing touches on everything while I pondered the meaning of Christmas. . .

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