Friday, May 25, 2012

Checking In. . .

So. . . Obviously I've lost a bit of interest in updating my blog.  Part of the problem is that Blogger changed their format and, in my opinion, it just isn't very user-friendly.  I don't have the time or the inclination to mess with something new right now since it seems the rest of my life is throwing things at me that demand my attention whether I like it or not.  So the blog sits quietly in the task bar of my lap top and barely calls to me at all anymore. 

HOWEVER, life continues on and I continue to photograph it as it happens.  And there are important things happening that I would like to remember someday.  And there are mundane things that I might want to remember someday.  There's just lots of things going on that, someday, I'll want to remember. 

So I won't give up.  At least for today.

Keep checking back.  I'll post retro-actively so I can keep things orderly.  I like order.  Even if it's not always obvious.  I'll post the links here as I go. . .

Zach. . .


love Tweety said...

That's funny because since blogger changed its format I am excited about blogging again. I think the loading of the pictures is sooo much easier. I just don't have the time to blog like I want to. :-( I'll keep checking for your posts though. I "NEED" Tanya posts to keep me alive. MISS YOU SOOO MUCH!!

Tami Arnett said...

I just looked and there is an option to use the old interface. I haven't blogged in so long - too busy borrowing ideas from Pinterest. :)