Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Little Nostalgia. . .

I have a confession to make. 

Every time I clean out under the sink in the kids' bathroom (at least 4 times/year- honest) I come across these little stacking cups that both of my kids played with in the bathtub during toddler hood.  We've lived in this house since Zach was 2 years old (1994) so you can do the math on how long these babies have been lingering here.  They now share the space with shaving paraphernalia, curling irons and make up.  You'd think I could just toss them away. . .

I always set them off to the side so that I can put them in the attic or sell them at a yard sale or whatever but, somehow, they always end up back under the sink.  Every. Single. Time.  When I cleaned under there this weekend I didn't even bother to set them aside.  I just rinsed them off and put them back.  Where they belong. . .

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