Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Cat's In The Cradle. . .

So Tracie informed me yesterday (via Facebook) that it has been 12 days, 3 hours and 4 minutes since I've posted to my blog. (Never mind the fact that her last post was on July 18th :) I thought it was sweet that I was missed and I determined that I would put something up today.

This summer has been seriously busy. Brutally busy. And I've come to realize that I'm not getting any younger. I'm reminded of that fact in many ways, one of which is watching my first born turn 18. Eighteen. I keep saying things like, "He's old enough to buy cigarettes. And vote. And get drafted. . . " He's an adult. It's weird.

Sometimes in all of the busy-ness, my kids take a back seat to the business. I try really hard not to let that happen and I think that for the most part they are assured of my love for them and the importance they hold in my heart but it's too easy to let things slip by with a flimsy promise of "we'll do (fill in the blank) when the season is over. . . " I've been humming the old song "Cat's in the Cradle" a lot lately. All that to say, I didn't want to let Zach's 18th birthday go by without a really memorable celebration. He wanted to spend it at the cabin with friends, his collection of Nerf guns, his new PS3 and an outdoor movie. I knew I just had to make it happen. It was a huge bonus that Rob and Grandpa put up a zipline just in time for the party!!!

I think we were able to check off all of the things on his list that he asked for. . .

Friends. . .

A "friendly" Nerf Gun battle. . .

PS3. . .

The cabin and all it's critters. . .

An outdoor movie on the big screen (just for the record, I don't recommend watching "I Am Legend" outside, in the woods, at night. . . )

No birthday party would be complete without cake . . .

And last, but not least, everyone had a turn on the new zipline. . .

It was a very brief respite from work but well worth it. It was a good thing we had a little bit of a chance to relax and celebrate because the week took off fast and furious starting on Sunday night with a big set up and didn't let up until the next Sunday night when we finished tearing everything down. . .

Just a few more weeks and . . . "we'll get together then, yeah. You know we'll have a good time then. . . "

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