Thursday, May 20, 2010

F.T.S. . .

Well, it looks like my truck has Flat Tire Syndrome. I've had at least 6 flat tires in the year that I've had my truck so today I decided to take matters into my own hands. When I realized that my tire was once again totally flat, instead of relying on someone else to rescue me, I read the manual and changed my tire. In all honesty, Zach did a lot of the work and the neighbor across the street supervised and gave advice but the point is, I no longer have to worry about getting a flat when I'm alone! Of course, I still have to rely on my good friends at Les Schwab to patch up my tire, but it's good to know that I can change it myself in a pinch!!
And with this post, I can officially say my blog is caught up!!! For now. . .

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