Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gil and Louise. . .

After our busy week/weekend, I was too tired to fully grasp the fact that I was attending a farewell party for two people that have become very dear to me. It's probably for the best that I won't realize the full impact of it until fall. I knew I would want to remember it, though, so I made my tired hands pull out my camera so my tired brain could make a little sense out of the occasion.

I know I'm probably deep in denial about Gil's retirement but I'm not sad yet because, at this point anyway, they aren't leaving town and I know where they live and all three of their phone numbers, and they've been in ministry for most of their lives and deserve to rest!! Plus, I just haven't had time to process it yet. I do know that I'm very thankful for their time at BFC and the impact they've had on my life.

I know I won't be saying good-bye anytime soon. . .

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