Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 4 Cherry Fest

On Thursday, the event kicked off at noon with Lisa Jensen. We became friends last year at the Cherry Festival when she invited me to sing "back up" for her and I ended up doing the same this year. Not exactly my dream, but I actually got to blow some dust off of my vocal chords. . . In this picture, Rob is in the background getting cables together for Nampa Nights. He'll be gone most of the day preparing for that so Kurt spent the day running sound.

It was a pretty lazy afternoon with local, folksy stuff for the few hours. This is "Against the Wind":

Josephine Spicer. . .

We had more cute little dancers in the afternoon:

Gloria didn't hang around the stage much this year but this dance group really caught her eye:

The Cloggers and the crowds came back in the early evening:

Gloria spent more time with her talented new friend:

My favorite dance of the week was this Little Red Riding Hood sketch. This group of cloggers performed it on a couple of occasions and I just loved it!!!

The band for the evening was Darkside of a Cowboy. Rob was in a band in the late 80's with the drummer in this band. We've seen him several times over the years and it always takes me back. . . I don't have too many good memories from those days (although I do have an interesting video. . . ) but it was still good to catch up with Steve.

Rob made it back in time for the last song and to help us put everything away. Nampa Nights went well so he can relax a little but Kurt's weekend is just beginning. . .

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