Thursday, August 23, 2012

Moving Forward. . .

So. . . I have a lot to say but no idea how to say it.  Obviously our lives were turned upside down last month and, no matter how you look at it, nothing will ever be the same.  So I guess the question is, how do I process my own thoughts/feelings about this in a "public forum" without causing pain and/or more grief to others who were far more affected by this than myself??  And maybe the answer is, "I don't".  My blog tends towards the "light and fluffy" but I can't find light or fluffy at the moment.  I still feel shock and outrage when I think about it.  And I think about it often. 

We had our first family birthday party yesterday without Matt.  In the dashboard section of my blog, I have photos from the last family party we had just waiting for me to hit the publish button.  It was Max's 2nd birthday party and everything was normal.  I haven't found words to use to post those pictures yet so they might sit there indefinitely. 

But. . . we still have good memories to make and sweet children to hold onto so I'm posting the pictures from yesterday's party.  We had FIVE birthdays to celebrate:  Jeanie, Marreen, Kelsey, Zach and Cody.  I'm all out of words these days, so the pictures will have to speak for themselves. . .

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