Tuesday, January 17, 2012

An Update?

I just can't keep up anymore.  I don't know if it's just me aging or if my life has somehow gotten even busier or if maybe, just maybe, I take too many dang pictures.  Granted, December was busy.  Not in a financially profitable way but in a run-around-like-a-chicken-with-my-head-cut-off way.  I try to hold it together but I've fallen apart a few times in spite of my best efforts. 

All that to say, things are getting even busier and I'm going to have a lot to say.  Except that I will probably take so many pictures that I won't catch up until June and we all know how June is around here.  And I'll write long, heartfelt blog posts but only in my head and by the time I get around to putting the pictures up on the blog, my words will be all used up and I'll half-heartedly post the pictures only.

Today marks the first day of three weeks that just might do me in.  (Sounds like a dramatic Facebook update).  I'm hoping to let you know how it goes. . .

How's that for a cheery update??

1 comment:

Tresa said...

Praying for you! I hope you'll sense God's presence, peace and strength with you over the next three weeks!