Thursday, September 1, 2011

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda. . .

I really enjoy reading the blogs of other people but rarely have the time.  One of the blogs I squeeze in no matter what is Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda.  She's the mother of a child with Aspergers and she writes very honestly about how she gets through the day with his issues as well as her 13 year old daughter's "normal" behavior.  She's not perfect and I usually can't relate directly but her writing helps me to see other parents and children through more compassionate eyes.  Yesterday's post made me stop and think how I often want to protect my own children from hardships and difficult circumstances.  There's a fine line between saving them and giving them a soft place to land if they fall.  I'm learning to step back and allow my kids to reap both the benefits and costs of their choices.  It's a good read if you can squeeze it in. . .

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